Industrial Cleaning and Care Products
Magic Sponge
Easy Clean With Magic Sponge...
Please SelectYou will get rid of all the stubborn and stains that you said never cleanned without using any chemicals.You will find out solution your problem just with water and eraser sponge.
AREAS OF USAGE: Car and Motorcyles: It removes sticky dirt and cleans decorative beam, mudguards, rubber dust, removes smoking tar and many type stains.
KITCHEN: It cleans steel, silver, chrome, aluminum, ceramic and surfaces and removes stubborn tea and coffee stains.
HOME AND GARDEN: Synthetic, wood and metal window frames, window benches, glass surfaces, mirrors, grayed and yellowed synthetic, materials, synthetic garden cahirs and tables, kitchen and bathroom tiles, discolored metals, leather upholstery, heaters, blinds, shop windows, roller shutters, sports shoes.
Office: Printing and seal inks, permanent markers, pencils, color throwing tables, chairs, cabinets and plastic parts of computers. fax devices. boards.
Soak with water, wipe off the surface that you want to clean.In short time you will get rid of the stains and the surface will look as brand new, clear and spotless as the first dat.Wipe all stains with magicial eraser sponge.
Preliminary test before use.
Store in a cool, dry place.