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Wax And Tar Remover
Wax And Tar Remover
Divortex Solvent Based Wax And Tar Solver Remover





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It is solvent-based solver used in cleaning wax on vehicle and other based wax.

It is solvent based tar solver and remover.

Item Code Size Dimension Of Package Pcs/Pack Lb per Palet Barcode
DVX7511 500 ML 410*295*265 cm3 21 adet 1050 adet 8680722063044
DVX7509 3 KG 385*280*295 cm3 6 adet 300 adet 8680722063273
DVX7508 5 KG 410*295*265 cm3 4 adet 200 adet 8680722064140
DVX7507 25 KG - - 32 adet 8680722062573

The product is applied to the surface with the help of liquid spray pump, sponge or brush.

Rinse thoroughly with pressurized water.

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3 Year

Engine Oil Remover

Engine oil remover is mainly used in engine cleaning as concentrated oil and rust remover for cleaning rusty and oily parts. It is generally used for cleaning in coating plants. Concentrated alkali-based products range from ph7 to ph14 and are formulated according to the surface to be applied.

It is a chemical used to purify very heavy oil and dirty surfaces. It is the best choice for the solution of heavy oils, thanks to the organic and non-ionic surfactants in the engine oil remover. It is uncomplicatedly and quickly soluble in water. Especially in industrial enterprises, products with heavy oil remover feature are used for the purpose of cleaning the oil accidentally spilled from the machines on sheet metal floors. It comes to you ready to use in the box. It is applied to the contaminated area by spraying method. You can apply as much as you want, depending on the oil and dirtiness of the material. After spraying on the surface, you should rub the product with a sponge. After rinsing the surface of the product with plenty of water, wipe it with a clean cloth. You must keep the lid closed after the procedure. It should be kept away from children, not be used for face, food, hand and body cleaning. If it comes into contact with your skin, you should wash it with plenty of water. It is recommended to store in a cool and dry place. Engine Degreaser service life is 2 years after the cover is opened.

It is a product preferred by Divortex customers in the first place. Thanks to its powerful components, it provides a magnificent cleaning service by making the engine cleaning in the most powerful way.

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